Saturday, November 29, 2008


I just figured out how to download episodes of the L-word on i-tunes! So excited (although my internet connection is extremely slow and by the time the show finishes loading it will most likely be culturally irrelevant)
Anyway, Lucia Freaking Rijker is in the new season!


it's so freaking exciting I can't stand it.

Thanksgiving Dinner with Jen's extended family

Such an amazing thanksgiving dinner. These people go all out. Lots of singing and music too. Thanks for the great time!

p.s. I used the vacuum today. I feel like it actually filters the air now instead of kicking up a bunch of dust every time I use it. I'm tempted to turn in on and leave the house for half an hour.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Non-stop Productivity Bonanza

What I did today

  • Dishes
  • Laundry
  • Vacuum
  • Wash filters for both vacuums (not sure if they're built for that.. we'll see what happens next time I try to clean the carpet)
  • Take out Recycling!
  • Clean bathtub
  • Shower
  • Cook food for the week
  • Go for walk before sun goes down (or grey sky turns darker grey)
  • Attempt to take photograph of very non-cooperative water rat
  • Reorganize Desk and Shelves
  • Dust
  • Organize bank statements and pay stubs
  • Journal a little
  • Organize writing portfolio
  • Start "stuff I don't want" pile
  • Finally throw away those ancient "return service" envelopes I've been so determined to find a way to reuse (just let go beth.... just let go)

Dead cricKet

Time of death: 9:30am
Cause: awaiting autopsy

so... looks like I'll be out of a phone for the next few days. I may be shopping for a new charger on black friday.
On the bright side there's no chance of me getting into an awkward Thanksgiving speaker phone conversation with my cherished family members this year. It's an annual tradition that consists of approximately six stages:
1. protesting that I hate speaker phone and that my wishes should be respected
2. being informed that I'm already on speaker phone
3. yelling pleasantries at family members while they simultaneously yell back
4. lots of awkward pauses and frustration while my dad explains to the family his interpretation of what he thinks I just said
5. a general failure on everyone's part to understand anyone else
6. eventually being hung up on in mid sentence

Don't get me wrong. I'd be having a blast if I were spending thanksgiving with my people. My family is comprised of some of the most fun people I know, but if there's a silver lining to my crappy service provider situation, then this is it. :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mushroom Hunting

Alone with the sunrise

Redemption of the opening shift

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Perfect Name

Last night I dreamt that I was hanging out with a friend who I've known forever and I found out that what I've been calling her for the past 13 years isn't actually her real name. As it turns out her real name is the coolest name I've ever heard and way cooler than what she goes by in real life (no offense anonymous friend). Anyway I decided to adopt the name for myself since I've been searching for a new name for as long as I can remember and besides she wasn't going to use it. It was the perfect name for me too, and I have no idea what it was.
...something that starts with an E ... maybe
People always say that kind of thing and they're usually wrong.
"what's that word?... it starts with a P...pahhh??...pedimmmrrr?.. Oh! I know, Harlequin."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It is soooooooo nice out!
Completely content to just sit with the sun on my back.

My Loved Ones

I feel so blessed right now.
Blessed to have people in my life who make everyday feel like an Adventure, who bring me so much Joy, who bare witness to Magic everywhere they go, who earn and confer Respect.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008


I worked at Morning Glory today for the first time since June 26th! Smooth Sailing.
(All but for one small waffle disaster, and even that ended with a very happy customer)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Unexpected compliments

Today in my writing class we read our essays for the whole group to hear. I stayed after class for a few minutes to talk with the teacher. When I walked out side I found that one of my classmates had been waiting for me just to tell me that they think I'm an excellent writer and they really enjoyed both of the essays I read in class. :) Apparently I'm "funny, talented, and I communicate my ideas clearly."
I think I smiled all the way to my next class.
(As irony would have it: this is the fourth time I've noticed a really obvious typo or spelling error and edited this post)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Highest Grade in the class for my Audio Engineering Midterm!
I figure since I'm making this blog mostly for family I can get away with bragging a little.

Election Night!

This election means so much to so many. But especially to that lady in the blue cardigan.