- Dishes
- Laundry
- Vacuum
- Wash filters for both vacuums (not sure if they're built for that.. we'll see what happens next time I try to clean the carpet)
- Take out Recycling!
- Clean bathtub
- Shower
- Cook food for the week
- Go for walk before sun goes down (or grey sky turns darker grey)
- Attempt to take photograph of very non-cooperative water rat
- Reorganize Desk and Shelves
- Dust
- Organize bank statements and pay stubs
- Journal a little
- Organize writing portfolio
- Start "stuff I don't want" pile
- Finally throw away those ancient "return service" envelopes I've been so determined to find a way to reuse (just let go beth.... just let go)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Non-stop Productivity Bonanza
What I did today