Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dead cricKet

Time of death: 9:30am
Cause: awaiting autopsy

so... looks like I'll be out of a phone for the next few days. I may be shopping for a new charger on black friday.
On the bright side there's no chance of me getting into an awkward Thanksgiving speaker phone conversation with my cherished family members this year. It's an annual tradition that consists of approximately six stages:
1. protesting that I hate speaker phone and that my wishes should be respected
2. being informed that I'm already on speaker phone
3. yelling pleasantries at family members while they simultaneously yell back
4. lots of awkward pauses and frustration while my dad explains to the family his interpretation of what he thinks I just said
5. a general failure on everyone's part to understand anyone else
6. eventually being hung up on in mid sentence

Don't get me wrong. I'd be having a blast if I were spending thanksgiving with my people. My family is comprised of some of the most fun people I know, but if there's a silver lining to my crappy service provider situation, then this is it. :)